Do you have an AI and automation strategy?

Having a well-defined strategy enables companies to
rapidly implement the adoption of intelligent tools

Identify areas where AI can create the most significant competitive advantage
Identify use cases where AI can create most value for your organization

AI Strategy roadmap

Identify your AI leadership and Set up a governance structure for AI initiatives
Win over employee trust and support by allaying their concerns
Prepare enterprise data and skills to harness AI’s full potential
Pursue rapid experimentation and scale the successful software applications
Source: Turning AI into concrete value: the successful implementers’ toolkit. Capgemini consulting

What is your definition of AI?

Defining AI is challenging
There is no consensus definition
The Investment Association considers AI to be a set of technologies and techniques used to complement traditional human attributes, such as intelligence, analytical ability and other capabilities
AI Domains
Source: AI and the Investment Management Industry, The Investment Association,
EY and Clifford Chance
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